Revelation 21:1-5

Revelation 21:1-5

[1] And  a new  heaven  and  a new  earth:  for  the first  heaven  and  the first  earth  and  no  more  sea.  [2] And  the holy  city,  new  Jerusalem,  coming down  from  God  out of  heaven,  prepared  as  a bride  adorned  for her  husband.  [3] And  I heard  a great  voice  out of  saying,  Behold,  the tabernacle  of God  is with  men,  and  he will dwell  with  them,  and  they  people,  and  God  himself  with  them,  God.  [4] And  shall wipe away  all  tears  their  eyes;  and  no  more  death,  neither  sorrow,  nor  crying,  neither  any more  pain:  for  the former things  are passed away.  [5] And  he that sat  upon  the throne  said,  Behold,  I make  all things  new.  And  he said  Write:  for  these  words  true  and  faithful. 

What does Revelation 21:1-5 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

The next scenes in John"s visions proved to be of conditions that will exist after the Millennium. He recorded this insight to reveal the final home of believers. There are many allusions to Isaiah 60 , 65 and Ezekiel 40-48 in this pericope. The final two chapters also tie up strands of revelation from every major previous section of the book. This pericope is a picture of new beginnings, a sharp contrast with the lake of fire, another final end, in the previous one.
Beale believed the purpose of this section is to contrast the church imperfect (chs1-3) and the church perfected. He took most of the descriptions figuratively but believed in a literal destruction of the old cosmos. [1]
Note some contrasts between the former creation and the future creation. [2]
GenesisRevelationHeavens and earth created ( Genesis 1:1)New heavens and earth ( Revelation 21:1)Sun created ( Genesis 1:16)No need of the sun ( Revelation 21:23)The night established ( Genesis 1:5)No night there ( Revelation 21:25; Revelation 22:5)The seas created ( Genesis 1:10)No more seas ( Revelation 21:1)The curse announced ( Genesis 3:14-17)No more curse ( Revelation 22:3)Death enters history ( Genesis 3:19)No more death ( Revelation 21:4)Man driven from the tree ( Genesis 3:24)Man restored to paradise ( Revelation 22:14)Sorrow and pain begin ( Genesis 3:17)No more mourning, crying or pain ( Revelation 21:4)