Galatians 6:11-18

Galatians 6:11-18

[11] how large  a letter  I have written  with mine own  hand.  [12] As many as  desire  to make a fair shew  in  the flesh,  they  constrain  to be circumcised;  only  they should suffer persecution  for the cross  of Christ.  [13] For  neither  they themselves  who are circumcised  keep  the law;  but  desire  circumcised,  that  they may glory  in  your  flesh.  [14] But  God forbid  should glory,  in  the cross  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  by  whom  the world  is crucified  and I  unto the world.  [15] For  neither  circumcision  any thing,  nor  uncircumcision,  but  a new  creature.  [16] And  as many as  walk  rule,  peace  be on  them,  and  mercy,  and  upon  the Israel  of God.  [17] From henceforth  no man  trouble  me:  for  bear  in  body  the marks  Jesus.  [18] Brethren,  the grace  Lord  Jesus  Christ  be with  spirit.  Amen. 

What does Galatians 6:11-18 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

In this section Paul summarized some of his more important points. He also appealed to his readers again urging them to follow through and to put into practice what he had taught them.
"Before concluding his letter Paul returns once more to the antithesis of cross and circumcision, setting them forth this time as representing respectively the true and the false ground of boasting, and thus carrying a stage further his polemic against the Judaizers and their way of legal observance (cf. Galatians 5:2-12)." [1]
". . . the subscription [2] provides important clues for understanding the issues discussed throughout Galatians , particularly those having to do with the judaizing threat brought into the churches by certain legalistically oriented Jewish Christians, for it not only summarizes the main points dealt with earlier in the letter but also allows us to cut through all of the verbage [3] and see matters in their essence as Paul saw them." [4]