Galatians 3:23-28

Galatians 3:23-28

[23] But  before  faith  came,  we were kept  under  the law,  shut up  unto  the faith  which should afterwards  be revealed.  [24] Wherefore  the law  was  schoolmaster  to bring us unto  Christ,  that  we might be justified  by  faith.  [25] But  after that faith  is come,  under  a schoolmaster.  [26] For  all  the children  of God  by  faith  in  Christ  Jesus.  [27] For  as many of you as  have been baptized  into  Christ  have put on  Christ.  [28] There is  neither  Jew  nor  Greek,  there is  neither  bond  nor  free,  there is  neither  male  nor  female:  for  all  one  in  Christ  Jesus.