Matthew 25:14-19

Matthew 25:14-19

[14] For  the kingdom of heaven is as  a man  travelling into a far country,  who called  his own  servants,  and  delivered  unto them  [15] And  unto one  he gave  five  talents,  to another  two,  and  to another  one;  to every man  according  to his several  ability;  and  straightway  took his journey.  [16] he that had received  the five  talents  went  and traded  with  the same,  and  them other  five  talents.  [17] likewise  he that had received  two,  gained  other  two.  [18] But  he that had received  one  went  and digged  the earth,  and  his  lord's  money.  [19] After  a long  time  the lord  of those  servants  cometh,  and  reckoneth  with  them.