Luke 1:59-61

Luke 1:59-61

[59] And  it came to pass,  that on  the eighth  day  they came  to circumcise  the child;  and  they called  him  Zacharias,  after  the name  of his  father.  [60] And  his  mother  answered  and said,  Not  so; but  he shall be called  John.  [61] And  they said  unto  her,  none  kindred  that  is called  name. 

What does Luke 1:59-61 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

As godly Israelites, Zechariah and Elizabeth were careful to circumcise John eight days after his birth ( Genesis 17:9-14; cf. Luke 2:21). Normally the head of the household performed this operation. [1] Both parents also faithfully followed Gabriel"s instructions and named their son as God had directed despite opposition from well-meaning friends who attended the special occasion (cf. Ruth 4:17). The Jews usually named their children at birth, but the Hellenists did so a few days later. [2] Perhaps this custom influenced Zechariah and Elizabeth to name John at his circumcision.