Mark 12:10-11

Mark 12:10-11

[10] not  read  scripture;  The stone  which  the builders  rejected  is  become  the head  of the corner:  [11] This  the Lord's  doing,  and  marvellous  in  eyes? 

What does Mark 12:10-11 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

Jesus carried His revelation concerning the fate of the Son further by referring to this psalm. This is the same psalm the crowds chanted at the Triumphal Entry ( Mark 11:9; cf. Psalm 118:22-23). The stone in view is probably the capstone for the building that God is building. In its original use, the stone represented Israel. Here Jesus made Himself the stone (cf. Acts 4:11; 1 Peter 2:7). The Father"s reversal of the Son"s fate elicited wonder from the beholders because it was an unexpected turn of events that demonstrated divine sovereignty.
It appears that Israel"s leaders rejected the Stone that was to be the capstone to complete Israel, God"s temple, through which He would work to bring blessing to all mankind ( Genesis 12:3). The Stone rejected has become, not the capstone, but the most important Stone in the foundation of a new temple that God is now building, namely, the church ( Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:4-10). After God removes the church from the earth ( 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), the Stone will return to the earth (cf. Daniel 2:34-35; Daniel 2:44-45; Revelation 19:11-16), and Israel will accept Him ( Zechariah 12:10). Then He will complete Israel ( Isaiah 59:20), and Israel will, during the millennium, function as the temple that God intended her to be ( Daniel 7:22). He will then bring blessing to the whole earth through Israel.