1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

[16] Rejoice  evermore.  [17] Pray  without ceasing.  [18] In  every thing  give thanks:  for  is the will  of God  in  Christ  Jesus  concerning  [19] Quench  not  the Spirit.  [20] Despise  not  prophesyings.  [21] Prove  all things;  hold fast  that which  is good.  [22] from  all  appearance  of evil.  [23] And  the very  God  of peace  sanctify  wholly;  and  whole  spirit  and  soul  and  body  be preserved  blameless  unto  the coming  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  [24] Faithful  is he that calleth  who  also  will do 

What does 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

The preceding exhortations led Paul naturally to focus on other individual responsibilities to enable his readers to perceive their personal Christian duty clearly (cf. Galatians 6). However all these things are the duties of Christians corporately (the church assembled) as well as individually.