Isaiah 5:11-12

Isaiah 5:11-12

[11] Woe  unto them that rise up early  in the morning,  that they may follow  strong drink;  that continue  until night,  till wine  inflame  [12] And the harp,  and the viol,  the tabret,  and pipe,  and wine,  are in their feasts:  but they regard  not the work  of the LORD,  neither consider  the operation  of his hands. 

What does Isaiah 5:11-12 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

The second blight on the "grapes" was pleasure-seeking. In Isaiah"s day this vice manifested itself in drinking too much wine and strong drink, usually at a continuous round of parties (cf. Isaiah 22:13; Isaiah 28:1-8; Hosea 7:5; Joel 3:3; Amos 6:6). These people were "party animals" who paid no attention to the Lord or His works. Seeking pleasure is not wrong in itself unless it becomes too absorbing, as it had with many Israelites. Too much partying produces insensitivity to spiritual things.
"When the passion for pleasure has become uppermost in a person"s life, passion for God and his truth and his ways is squeezed out." [1]