Ezekiel 15:3-5

Ezekiel 15:3-5

[3] Shall wood  be taken  thereof to do  any work?  or will men take  a pin  of it to hang  any vessel  [4] Behold, it is cast  into the fire  for fuel;  the fire  devoureth  both  the ends  of it, and the midst  of it is burned.  Is it meet  for any work?  [5] Behold, when it was whole,  it was meet  for no work:  how much less shall it be meet  yet for any work,  when the fire  hath devoured  it, and it is burned? 

What does Ezekiel 15:3-5 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

Vine wood was not good for making much of anything because it was too soft, weak, and crooked. It was not even good for making a peg on which to hang a vessel because it was so weak. It was only good for producing grapes. If vine wood was naturally of so little value, it was of even less value when charred by fire.