John 19:4-5

John 19:4-5

[4] Pilate  went  forth  again,  and  saith  unto them,  I bring  him  forth  that  ye may know  that  I find  no  fault  in  him.  [5] Then  came  Jesus  forth,  wearing  the crown  of thorns,  and  the purple  robe.  And  Pilate saith  unto them,  the man! 

What does John 19:4-5 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

Jesus received the abuse that John just described inside the Praetorium, Pilate"s headquarters. Now Pilate brought Him out so the Jews could see their King in His humiliation. First, he announced that he had found Jesus not guilty.
Undoubtedly guffaws of laughter mingled with gasps of horror as the Jews beheld the man who had done them nothing but good. Pilate called the Jewish leaders to behold the man (Lat. Ecce homo) whom they feared so much but who was now a beaten and pathetic figure. The governor meant, Look at this poor fellow whom you regard as a rival king! John called his readers to behold Him whom God had predicted would die voluntarily as a sacrifice for humankind"s sins as the Lamb of God.