Matthew 6:26-27

Matthew 6:26-27

[26] Behold  the fowls  of the air:  for  they sow  not,  neither  do they reap,  nor  gather  into  barns;  yet  heavenly  Father  feedeth  them.  not  much  better than  they?  [27] Which  by taking thought  can  add  one  cubit  unto  his  stature? 

What does Matthew 6:26-27 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

If we fret constantly about having enough food and clothing, we show that we have not yet learned a very basic lesson that nature teaches us: God provides for His creatures" needs. Furthermore God is the heavenly Father of believers. Consequently He will take special care of them. This argument is a minori ad maius, "From the lesser to the greater." This does not mean we can disregard work, but it does mean we should disregard worry.
Fretting cannot lengthen life any more than it can put food on the table or clothes on the back ( Matthew 6:27). Worry really shortens life.