Isaiah 30:13-14

Isaiah 30:13-14

[13] Therefore this iniquity  shall be to you as a breach  ready to fall,  swelling out  in a high  wall,  whose breaking  cometh  suddenly  at an instant.  [14] And he shall break  it as the breaking  of the potters'  vessel  that is broken in pieces;  he shall not spare:  so that there shall not be found  in the bursting  of it a sherd  to take  fire  from the hearth,  or to take  water  withal out of the pit. 

What does Isaiah 30:13-14 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

Consequently their iniquity would lead to disaster, similar to the sudden internal collapse of a high wall, and the severe external smashing of an earthenware jar. It would be complete, as when no useful pieces remain after the smashing of a pot. That judgment had not yet come was hardly grounds for concluding that it would not come (cf. Matthew 24:36-44; Mark 13:32-37; 2 Peter 3:3-10).
"The interval from the first cracks until the actual collapse [1] may be a long time, but when the collapse comes it is terribly sudden and irreversible. So it will be with this refusal to rely on God. Years may pass, but one day the Assyrians will stand at the door with all Judah in ruins behind them." [2]
When God miraculously slew Sennacherib"s besieging forces around Jerusalem in701 B.C, the Assyrians had already destroyed much of Judah.