Philippians 2:1-4

Philippians 2:1-4

[1] If there be therefore  consolation  in  Christ,  comfort  of love,  fellowship  of the Spirit,  bowels  and  mercies,  [2] Fulfil ye  joy,  that  ye be likeminded,  having  the same  love,  being of one accord,  of one  mind.  [3] Let nothing  be done through  strife  vainglory;  but  in lowliness of mind  esteem  other  better than  themselves.  [4] Look  not  every man  on his own things,  but  every man  also  on the things  of others. 

What does Philippians 2:1-4 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

Paul advocated humility, namely, concern for the needs of others, not just one"s own needs, as the basis for unity in the church (cf. Philippians 1:22-26; Philippians 2:21).
". . . someone well said: "Love begins when someone else"s needs are more important than my own," which is precisely what Paul will urge in the elaboration that follows." [1]