Matthew 12:18-21

Matthew 12:18-21

[18] Behold  servant,  whom  I have chosen;  beloved,  in  whom  soul  is well pleased:  I will put  spirit  upon  him,  and  he shall shew  judgment  to the Gentiles.  [19] not  strive,  nor  cry;  neither  shall any man  hear  his  voice  in  the streets.  [20] A bruised  reed  not  break,  and  smoking  flax  not  quench,  till  he send forth  judgment  unto  victory.  [21] And  his  name  the Gentiles  trust. 

What does Matthew 12:18-21 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

Matthew recently selected material that presented Jesus as the Son of God, the Son of David, and God Himself. Now he pointed out again that Jesus" conduct proved Him to be the prophesied Suffering Servant of the Lord. The citation is from Isaiah 42:1-4. This is the longest Old Testament quotation in the first Gospel.
". . . by inserting this quotation here Matthew helps his readers to put the confrontation in context: it is not of the Messiah"s choosing." [1]
The Greek word pais translated "servant" can also mean "son." However the Hebrew word that it translates means "servant." Matthew recorded "whom I have chosen" rather than "whom I uphold" in Isaiah 42:1 evidently to stress God"s election and love of Jesus (cf. Matthew 3:16-17; Matthew 17:5). Jesus performed His miracles with the power of the Spirit whom the Father had poured out upon Him. These miracles extended even to Gentiles. Note the presence of the Trinity in this Old Testament passage.
Isaiah predicted that Messiah would minister with gentleness and humility ( Matthew 12:19). He would not present Himself arrogantly or brashly. He would be very compassionate ( Matthew 12:20). He would not advance His own program by stepping on others. He would bring salvation finally to the harassed and helpless ( Matthew 9:36) as well as to the weary and burdened ( Matthew 11:28) without crushing the weak. [2] This concept of Messiah was much more gentle than the one Jesus" contemporaries held. They expected Him to crush all opposition. He would, however, bring justice to pass. In Matthew "justice" (Gr. krisis) means fast approaching judgment, not just justice as opposed to injustice. [3] Justice in the kingdom is in view. Consequently the Gentiles would put their trust in Him ( Matthew 12:21).
"In the face of rejection by the nation of Israel Matthew , by Messianic prophecies, prepares his Jewish reader for the proclamation of a universal Savior." [4]
This Old Testament quotation helps the reader see how many of the characteristics of Jesus and His ministry that Matthew has presented fit the pattern of messianic prophecy. It also sets the stage for other things that Matthew recorded that demonstrated Jesus" messiahship.