John 12:31-32

John 12:31-32

[31] Now  the judgment  world:  now  the prince  world  be cast  out.  [32] And I,  if  I be lifted up  from  the earth,  will draw  all  men unto  me. 

What does John 12:31-32 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

Jesus" passion would constitute a judgment on the world. The Jews thought they were judging Jesus when they decided to believe or disbelieve on Him. Really their decisions brought divine judgment on themselves. By crucifying Jesus they were condemning themselves. Jesus was not saying that this would be the last judgment on the world. He meant that because of humankind"s rejection of Him God was about to pass judgment on the world for rejecting His Son (cf. Acts 17:30-31).
Jesus" passion would also result in the casting out of the ruler of this world. This is a title for Satan ( John 14:30; John 16:11; cf. Matthew 4:8-9; Luke 4:6-7; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2; Ephesians 6:12). The death of Jesus might appear to be a victory for Satan, but really it signaled his doom. The Cross defeated Satan. He only functions as he does now because God permits Him to do so. His eternal destruction is sure even though it is still future ( Revelation 20:10). God will cast him out of His presence and out of the earth into the lake of fire forever (cf. Matthew 8:12; Matthew 22:13; Matthew 25:30).
Jesus" passion would involve His enemies lifting Him up on a cross but also His exaltation to God"s presence. The Cross would bring people to faith in Him, and His exaltation would involve others coming into God"s presence around Him. Jesus" death, resurrection, and ascension would draw all people without distinction, not all without exception, to Himself.
"Jesus is not affirming that the whole world will be saved; he is affirming that all who are saved are saved in this way. And he is speaking of a universal rather than a narrowly nationalistic religion." [1]
All these things would happen "now," not in the eschatological future. They are all the immediate consequences of Jesus" work on the cross.