Genesis 2:1-5

Genesis 2:1-5

[1] Thus the heavens  and the earth  were finished,  and all the host of them.  [2] And on the seventh  day  God  ended  his work  which he had made;  and he rested  on the seventh  day  from all his work  which he had made.  [3] And God  blessed  the seventh  day,  and sanctified  it: because  that in it he had rested  from all his work  which God  created  and made.  [4] These  are the generations  of the heavens  and of the earth  when they were created,  in the day  that the LORD  God  made  the earth  and the heavens,  [5] And every plant  of the field  before  it was in the earth,  and every herb  of the field  before  it grew:  for  the LORD  God  had not  caused it to rain  upon the earth,  and there was not  a man  to till  the ground.